Adult Hand-building Classes
Form + Function | Forma + Función - New Class Offering!
Instructor: Vanesa Cabezas
In this class, let your imagination take flight as Vanesa guides you through a wide variety of hand-building techniques, from sculptural to decorative and functional elements, we’ll explore use of textures, underglaze, sgraffito, burnishing, the body as a mold, coils, and solid sculptures.
En esta clase, deja volar tu imaginación mientras Vanesa te guía a través de una amplia variedad de técnicas de modelado manual. Desde elementos escultóricos hasta decorativos y funcionales, exploraremos el uso de texturas, engobes, esgrafiado, bruñido, el cuerpo como molde, rollos de arcilla y esculturas macizas.
Next Session: Saturdays, Mar 8 - April 12
Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm
Cost: 6 week session - $360
Functional Slab
Instructor: Carolyn Tacey
Learn to make cups, bowls, plates, and serving trays using the slab building technique. Carolyn will also share her rich knowledge of texturing and glazing.
Current Session: Tuesdays, Jan 7 - Mar 4, off Feb 18
Next Session: Tuesdays, Mar 11 - April 29, off April 15
Time: 7:00 -10:00pm
Cost: 7 week session - $420
Figurative Sculpture
Instructor: Peter Bulow
In this course, Peter shares his techniques for figurative sculpture and guides participants in the exploration of form.
Current Session: Thursdays, Jan 9 - Mar 6, off Feb 20
Next Session: Thursdays, Mar 13 - April 24, off April 17
Time: 7:00 -10:00pm
Cost: 6 week session - $360
Makeup Policy: Make-up classess are not guaranteed. We will do our best to accommodate up to 1 make-up class per student per session. Make-up classes must happen during the current session. Students are not guaranteed a wheel for their make-up class.
Cancellation Policy: Refunds are available up to 48 hours before the first class minus a $50 processing charge. Refund requests from 48 hours to the start of the first class are available for 50% of the class fee. Unfortunately, we cannot offer refunds once the class has started.